However, the serenity was shattered three weeks into their blissful journey when a pervasive sense of unwellness clouded Lily. At first, she attributed it to the usual postpartum fatigue, but it wasn’t long before Lily discerned the severity of her symptoms, exceeding the ordinary realms of post-birth discomfort. A throbbing pain engulfed her, a relentless torment that exceeded any distress she had endured during her twins’ birth. The intensity of this affliction triggered alarms, prompting her to acknowledge that something was indeed gravely wrong.
As days turned into nights, Lily found herself writhing in severe abdominal pain, accompanied by episodes of vomiting. After telling her husband, Pradeep urged her to seek immediate medical attention. Lily, however, was torn; she had two newborns to care for, and she didn’t want to risk being admitted to the hospital.