Girl Mocks Overweight Boy in School – Years Later He Gets To Have The Last Laugh!

Lucas couldn’t believe it. They must be joking, right? No one would intentionally be this cruel and unkind to someone. How could they do this to him in front of everyone? Standing frozen on Ariel’s doorstep, Lucas’s head reeled with thoughts racing a thousand miles per hour.

He felt a deep blush creeping up his neck as he turned around and ran out of her yard. A million thoughts swirled in his head. Surely, this couldn’t be real, could it? Ariel would never do this to him, right?

He was quite wrong. What happened with Lucas that night was nothing less than a nightmare. His whole world seemed to crumble right in front of his eyes, along with his gentle heart, trampled by the girl he loved. But why would she do that? Unfortunately for Lucas, the truth he was about to uncover was much darker than he had hoped.