David considered his options. Should he go to the police and file a report? Or maybe he could try to track down the woman and confront her directly. Either way, he knew that he couldn’t just let this slide. He was determined to stand up for himself and make sure that the woman understood that she couldn’t treat people like this and get away with it. He made a mental note to review the footage from his dashboard camera and see if he could gather any more information about the woman or her car. With that, he started his truck and drove off, still fuming with anger but also feeling a sense of determination to make things right.
After rushing to deliver his truckload, David immediately checked the license plate number on his laptop. He was relieved to find out that the car was registered in the same city where he was. He had hoped that the woman had driven in the same direction as him, as it made it easier for him to track her down and seek revenge.